
Shortly before Deportation: Dori Laub in his new suit, a present for his 5th birthday in 1942.
Dori Laub with his parents Moishe and Clara on his first birthday in 1938.
Back in Czernowitz: Dori Laub with his mother Clara in 1946.
Laurel Fox Vlock and her sister Marian with the two "friendly" English women in Brussels 1937.
Laurel Fox Vlock and her sister Marian at the Spa in Mondorf, Luxenbourg in August 1937.
Inaugration ceremony at Yale University on October 2, 1982. Seated on the stage from left to right: President of Yale University A. Bartlett Giamatti, Author, John Hershey, Nobel Laureate, Elie Wiesel, Mayor of the City of New Haven, Biagio DiLieto, Laurel Vlock, Revson Foundation President Eli Evans, Professor Geoffrey Hartman, unidentified person, Superintendant of New Haven Schools Gerald Tirozzi, H.S.F.P. President, William Rosenberg, and unidentified person.
Prof. Elie Wiesel and author John Hersey listen to speakers at the Inaugeration ceremonies on Oct. 2, 1982.
Laurel Vlock and Dori Laub listening to a survivor during a recording.

Laurel Vlock interviews Prof. Elie Wiesel in his suite at the King David Hotel during The World Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors in June 1981.